Sunday, December 4, 2022

Abolish death penalty essay

Abolish death penalty essay

abolish death penalty essay

WebEven though utilitarianists may believe that this will help prevent innocent people becomefuture vicitims, having the death penalty STILL runs the risk of convicting and WebThe death penalty should be abolished because it serves no justice, can very easily take away an innocent person’s life, and fails to deter crimes. The death penalty is a cruel punishment that serves no justice. An innocent person can suffer the consequences. The government shouldn't kill to Abolishing Death Penalty Web13/05/ · So we must abolish death penalty. Essay against this inhumane practice will present the arguments. The death penalty is an inhumane and cruel act that brings

Reasons to Abolish the Death Penalty - Words | Essay Example

The death penalty is a controversial topic that continues to elicit a lot of debate in the contemporary society as it did in ancient civilizations. Several questions have been raised regarding this topic, abolish death penalty essay, for example, should we abolish the death penalty? Whenever the issue of death penalty comes, opponents and proponents stand up to defend their positions. One side says deterrence, abolish death penalty essay, the other side says the possibility of killing an innocent person. Whatever side of the debate we explore, it is plain that the death penalty is a denial of the basic human rights as it contravenes the right to life as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as stated by the UN.

The death penalty is the ultimate form of cruelty, inhuman, and demeaning abolish death penalty essay that can ever be perpetuated on an individual. Since court sentences and punishment are meant to be a disciplinary act, then a death penalty contradicts the law itself as it does not give an offender a second chance at reform. Besides, various studies have proved that the death penalty does not deter future offenders from committing the same crimes that would lead to a similar penalty, therefore, the death should be banned in all countries. One of the arguments that has always that has always been used to defend death penalty is deterrence. The notion that executing persons who break certain laws will deter persons from engaging in similar crimes sounds convincing, besides, deterring any form of crime is for the good of all of us.

However, the jury is still torn whether this form of punishment actually deters crime as a number of studies have shown that heavy punishment does not necessarily imply deterrence. Should we give the death penalty to prove that we are serious? Does a criminal mind ever consider the existence of a death penalty? Studies indicate that unless executions reach a certain level, crimes that warrant the death penalty may continue unabated. Most death penalties are normally given to persons that commit murder. However, behavioral studies have shown that most murders are normally committed in response to strong feelings of passion or anger, or by persons who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs who act impetuously. For this reason, they do not act rationally and do not think of the consequences of their abolish death penalty essay. Giving such an individual a life sentence does not really help him and instead amounts to another murder.

The death sentence is normally full of flaws and inconsistencies, this claim arises from the number of persons that have been released from death row after additional inquiries into their crimes. Besides, we know from research supported by the strongest and most accurate figures that the death penalty is applied with impartiality. It is a matter of race and socio-economic status; lower-class people are represented by overburdened or incompetent lawyers while rich criminals hire well paid lawyers who present a competent and well organized defense and are frequently let off the hook, abolish death penalty essay.

This finding means that innocent persons are executed by various legal systems around the world. Does this risk not surpass the benefits of death penalty that may exist? Should we permit issues such as the death penalty to harm the very values and beliefs that our dear nation was established on? As we continues to give death penalties to persons accused of various crimes, we are setting a very bad example for our children. We spend a significant amount of time teaching our children on the sanctity of life at schools or other institutions, yet we justify the death sentence arguing that it will reduce crime levels. This is very hypocritical of society.

Evil cannot be an answer to evil. If it wrong to take away a life, why does the state contradict itself by executing others? The death penalty must be abolished immediately. Despite opposition from various quarters, our legal system continues to mete out the death penalty. This must stop since the death is a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as dictated by the United Nations, besides, the death penalty does not deter offenders from engaging in crimes that would lead to this sentence. Persons that commit murder, for whom the penalty is frequently given, normally act under the influence of alcohol or drugs or act impetuously and should be given time to reform rather that delivering them to the hangman, the legal system itself is full of flaws and inconsistencies that block the exercise of justice to suspects.

Finally, death penalties sends a poor message to our children as they grow up with the notion that evil is paid with evil. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? Fundamental Right to Live: Abolish the Death Penalty. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Fundamental Right to Live: Abolish the Death Penalty specifically for you! This essay on Fundamental Right to Live: Abolish the Death Penalty was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to abolish death penalty essay your own paper; however, you must abolish death penalty essay it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda.

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Death Penalty \u0026 Anti Death Penalty: Is There Middle Ground? - Middle Ground

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Abolition of Death Penalty -

abolish death penalty essay

Web13/05/ · So we must abolish death penalty. Essay against this inhumane practice will present the arguments. The death penalty is an inhumane and cruel act that brings WebThe death penalty should be abolished because it serves no justice, can very easily take away an innocent person’s life, and fails to deter crimes. The death penalty is a cruel punishment that serves no justice. An innocent person can suffer the consequences. The government shouldn't kill to Abolishing Death Penalty Web15/02/ · Reasons to Abolish the Death Penalty Essay Introduction. The death penalty is one of the most controversial topics related to criminal justice. Usually reserved Main

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