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Capital punishment for and against essay

Capital punishment for and against essay

capital punishment for and against essay

WebDec 18,  · /> One of the leading arguments against capital punishment is based on the value of human life. Most people believe human life to be valuable and some Web+ Words Essay on Capital Punishment. Every one of us is familiar with the term punishment. But Capital Punishment is something very few people understand. Capital WebFeb 6,  · Capital Punishment: Against Essay More money is spent executing humans than keeping them in apenitentiary for life. Compared to capital punishment, life in

Sample Essay on Arguments For and Against Capital Punishment

Capital punishment remains one of the most contested issues in the society today. The ultimate objective of criminal justice system is rehabilitating the criminals in order to safeguard the society from individuals who have not been rehabilitated. Proponents of capital punishment have been able indicate convincingly that capital punishment either meets these goals while the proponents have in the past justified that there is no enough evidence that capital punishment can be adequately used to deter crimes in the society Bedau and Paul This paper focuses on the theory of deterrence as well as rebuttal to deterrence.

The paper also provides testimonies in favor of deterrence as well as those in favor of rebuttal to deterrence. The society has relied on the death penalty to discourage future criminals from unlawful acts. It follows that since the society holds the highest interest with regards to preventing crimes, the strongest punishment available should be used in preventing potential crimes. If victims of murder are prosecuted and sentenced to death, possible murders will fear and therefore avoid such crimes Bedau and Paul Criminologists have attempted to analyze the rates of murder in order to determine if death penalty reduces this rate but the outcome of their study have not been conclusive.

In his study, Ehrich conducted a study that revealed that for every executed inmate, seven lives are spared since others are prevented from killing. Further, capital punishment for and against essay, although research about deterrence has remained inconclusive, it is because capital punishment is rarely applied and it takes a lot of time before such executions are made, capital punishment for and against essay. In addition, although some countries that do not apply capital punishment have lower rates of murder than those that apply is not enough justification of failure of the deterrence theory.

It capital punishment for and against essay that nations with high rates of murder would register even higher murder rates if they decided to abandon capital punishment. According to Earnest Van den Haag, a professor in the field of public policy and jurisprudence, the execution of a murderer is a clear indication that the nation the lives of innocent victims more than the live of the murderer. It therefore deters the rest from engaging in the vice in the future. Earnest Haag believes that capital punishment is feared more than imprisonment because of its finality.

It deters prospective criminals who may not be prevented by the thought of imprisonment alone Bedau and Paul The objective of criminal law is to safeguard the lives of the potential victims from the hands of actual criminals or murderers. Severe punishments are the best ways of threatening the society against committing crimes. He argues that although capital punishment may be inappropriate, unwise or repulsive, capital punishment for and against essay, it is just to restore order in the society. Those that commit crimes expose themselves to the risk of legal punishment from the judiciary that could have been avoided. It capital punishment for and against essay follows that capital punishment is just to those guilty because it is a punishment for knowingly committing the crime.

In his testimony, Earnest Haag the life of victims of murder only has negative value to the society because of the magnitude of their crime. The offenders of murder deserve the severest punishment which is the death penalty. A lesser punishment under the law undermines the value that the society holds in safeguarding lives of those innocent. Consequently, executing them will certainly deter others from the vice. Rebuttal to Deterrence: Capital Punishment is Not a Proven Deterrent of Future Crimes. Opponents of capital punishment argue that death penalty has not been statistically proven to deter crimes in the future.

They argue that capital punishment and life sentence in prison are not different in deterring crimes. Thus, Ehrich study is disregarded widely by criminologists including William Bowers Bedau and Paul In fact they claim that capital punishment has opposite impacts. Death penalty brutalizes the society increasing chances of the occurrence of murder. They place little support on deterrence in justifying continued use of the death penalty. A study conducted in the states of America indicated capital punishment for and against essay those states that apply capital punishment generally have higher rates of murder in relation to those that do not It is a similar case when the United States of America is compared with other countries in Europe that do not apply death penalty.

S has higher rates of murder for every year. The biggest reason why capital punishment does not deter people from committing murder is because those committing murder do not think they will be known or either they do not weigh carefully the differences between life imprisonment and an execution before engaging in the act. Moreover, no conclusive evidence exists that capital punishment serves as the best deterrence compared to threats of a life in prison. The argument is that victims of murder who are executed will not be released therefore the society is assured of safety even without applying capital punishment. While in prison, prisoners of life imprisonment are not a threat to violence compared to other type of prisoners.

Those serving life imprisonment always settle and are used to a routine in prison without expectations of joining their counterparts in the society any more. For these reasons opponents of deterrence theory conclude that death penalty will never act as deterrence to future crimes. In the case against capital punishment, Austin Fetcher from the field of philosophy in Tuffs University says that victims of murder and those of other personal crimes either may not deter future crimes, capital punishment for and against essay. As criminals plan crime, they focus on escaping from arrest, conviction or detention.

Threatening them with even the strongest punishment doe not discourage them individuals who have expectations of escaping arrest Fisanick According to Austin Fetcher, a good number of capital crimes have been committed in moments of emotional stress. Others are committed by people who are under the influence of alcohol or other drugs when their logical thinking is under suspension. Evidence indicates that capital punishment is not more effective than life imprisonment in preventing murder. Actual experience has established beyond reasonable doubt that capital punishment can never act as deterrence to future crimes. There is no a single evidence that contradicts with this conclusion. Evidently, capital punishment threats can never exert incremental deterrent effects over threats of softer punishments in shaping the overall behavior of the society members.

Bedau, Hugo A, and Paul G. Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? New York: Oxford University Press, Fisanick, Nick. The Ethics of Capital Punishment. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, Martinez, J M, William D. Richardson, and D B. Among the TOP STUDENTS in the WORLD is a GROUP of STUDENTS who have used OUR SERVICES! Essay Homework Help offers academic writing capital punishment for and against essay to students either struggling to write their own papers or who lack sufficient time to complete their paper on time. Whether you are looking for extra hours to be with your family, ill or you are running out of time, capital punishment for and against essay, simply contact our MBA Writers via the order button below and we will be glad to assist.

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You may use this sample to write your own assignment but if you are looking for a homework paper to submit, click on the order button below to submit your assignment instructions. Our support team will review your instructions and assign your order to the best available MBA homework writer. Get Homework Writing Now! Arguments For and Against Capital Punishment Introduction Capital punishment remains one of the most contested issues in the society today. Deterrence: Capital Capital punishment for and against essay Prevents Future Crimes The society has relied on the death penalty to discourage future criminals from unlawful acts. Testimony in Favor of Deterrence Theory According to Earnest Van den Haag, a professor in the field of public policy and jurisprudence, the execution of a murderer is a clear indication that the nation the lives of innocent victims more than the live of the murderer, capital punishment for and against essay.

Rebuttal to Deterrence: Capital Punishment is Not a Proven Deterrent of Future Crimes Opponents of capital punishment argue that death penalty has not been statistically proven to deter crimes in the future. Testimony Available in Favor of Rebuttal to Capital punishment for and against essay In the case against capital punishment, Austin Fetcher from the field of philosophy in Tuffs University says that victims of murder and those capital punishment for and against essay other personal crimes either may not deter future crimes.

Works Cited Bedau, Hugo A, and Paul G. Are you Looking for Someone to Write Your Assignment? Is Your Homework on this Topic? We can help!

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Argumentative Essay About Against Capital Punishment | WOW Essays

capital punishment for and against essay

WebMar 20,  · Argumentative Essay against Capital Punishment. Human life is sacred. This is an ideal that the majority of people can agree upon to a certain extent. For this reason Web+ Words Essay on Capital Punishment. Every one of us is familiar with the term punishment. But Capital Punishment is something very few people understand. Capital WebDec 18,  · /> One of the leading arguments against capital punishment is based on the value of human life. Most people believe human life to be valuable and some

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